Car polishing is a procedure that attributes an incredible lustre to your car, eliminates small scratches, scuffs and defects and restores its original appearance. High-quality polishing helps to improve the colour of the car and add richness and brightness.
We use only the most effective and safe polishing agents, which not only remove surface defects, but also add a deep and bright lustre.
Application of protective compositions is a procedure of coating a surface with an additional extremely thin optically transparent layer repeating the surface texture to form a protective film for any car surface.
Advice on the selection of a specific composition is made on the site depending on the various tasks, paintwork condition, operation period and total budget.
Currently, car armoured film wrapping is the best body protection against damage, scratches and chips at the moment. Parts armouring with this type of film forms an invisible barrier effectively protecting the body from stones, sand, salt and other external factors that may damage the paintwork.
The optics restoration package includes the following steps:
More information and data on the cost of services may be obtained as well as the time of visiting the service may be confirmed by the following phones: