Restoration of body geometry, straightening and slipway works.

Body geometry diagnostics is necessary in the following cases: 

  • after serious damage as a result of an accident, if visible damages to the body are available.
  • car body geometry is impaired not only after a serious accident. The control points displace even when a wheel accidentally gets into a deep hole in the road.

The following characteristic signs are indicative of problems and the need to check the body geometry:

  • poorly closing doors, hood and trunk;
  • unexplained steering problems;
  • vibrations at a speed of 80 km/h and higher;
  • rapid tire rubber wear;
  • soaring fuel consumption.

To measure the body geometry, the innovative 3D-technologies, necessary qualification of professionals, versatile experience and a slipway used to make point-by-point measurements have been adopted. 

The geometry of the body is determined by points that are set by the manufacturer. To restore the body geometry, the car is placed on a slipway and repairs are made by set points. The slipway stretches the body in three planes, thereby correcting its deformation.

Straightening work is the final stage in the repair of deformed body parts.

More information and data on the cost of services may be obtained as well as the time of visiting the service may be confirmed by the following phones: 

+375(29)306-09-09 А1

+375(33)306-09-09 МТС


Official site:
Business hours:
Daily from 9 to 20
Auto Body Repair Center:
Official site:
Business hours:
Daily from 9 to 20
Online store:
Business hours:
Daily from 9 to 20
Legal address:
г. Минск, пер. С. Ковалевской, 46 (подъезд со стороны ул. Семашко)
тел/факс: +(375)17 2500100
GPS: 53.864538, 27.502767
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